Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Panda wants to spend the last day of 2012 as a wallet. Silly pig.

Woo! More food! But it's really hard to eat a lot of noms with all these fireworks going crazy. Good thing we live indoors.

Any resolutions? Not sure.. Probably still continue working on that website we mentioned in last year's New Year's resolution post. May be we could also be more active with the "pet" and guinea community (rescues, fairs...), and of course post more often. No.

Reflecting on our 2012... We could say it was so-so. We had bad times, we had good times, we lost a fellow piggy, we took in a new fellow piggy, and we gained a lot of weight (as usual). Our greatest achievement this year would probably be surviving the Mayan apocalypse. Go guinea pigs!

Good or bad , we only live on an average of 5-8 years, best to not complain and just go. Be more thankful. Eat your veggies. Spoil your pigs. Hope you all have a nice New Year, stay safe, keep all your humans in the house as fireworks might spook them. Happy New Year!

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