
Say hello to Mochi, the only sow in our happy piggy family. She's an American satin, that means she's just like us only shinier. Mochi's very... Different. Among us, she's the most affectionate but at the same time the only piggy that shows aggression. She'll scurry near humans when called, let them pet her and she'll give out this cute little long purr. Try to pick her up or touch her in the wrong places and she becomes a fun size pit bull, we never even knew guinea pigs could behave that way. Fortunately the only thing that fell victim to these crazy attacks is Our Human.

Originally named "Adler", we decided to give her a new name to welcome her to her new life. Names we considered were: Anya (hello in Korean), Kimchi (because her previous owner is Korean hehehe...), Gulaman (she was very thirsty when Our Human and Her Human met. Our Human had a small cup of gulaman juice and Mochi was licking the surface of it like crazy), Hera (to match Loki's mythological name), and Tala (something local and a little original, meaning star). While cuddling with the human, she came up with the name "Mochi", a type of Japanese rice cake. For Our Human, Adler is comparable to her favorite dessert "mochi ice cream", an Americanized version of the Japanese treat. Just like Adler, Mochi ice cream is very sweet, soft, and surprisingly, cold in the inside. Hence the name change to "Mochi".

Mochi's currently living by her self, but hopefully we'll find the right time to take in a new member. Nobody knows when our little Mochi was born, she was around 8 months old when she joined us on May 19, 2012, so we'll just set up a birth date for her which is October 19, 2011. Nice.

Check out the post we made on the same day Mochi came home... here.