
I can has world dominashun?
November 12, 2011 - May 16, 2012

Born on Nov. 12, 2011! Our bunso (youngest in the family) is still too shy to type his own profile or at least talk to us, so we're writing up his profile for him. I'm not sure if he knows how to type,  I think his tiny paws might get tired after one sentence.

Justlookathiscutebabyfaceitssofloofyyesitisyesitis. <3


This is me having floor time with kuya Panda and Kuya Loki.
Yey! My own profile! Kuya Panda finally gave me the go signal and thought that I'm mature enough to not do anything silly. Don't worry kuya, I wouldn't do anything like that. 


Hello! I'm Jónsi, I'm the baby in the house. I'm still a few months old as I'm typing this now. I come from the blood line of handsome peruvian piggies!

I was named after the Icelandic music artist, Jónsi. Why? For one reason, our human is in love with his songs. Second reason, my back fur kind of resembles his hair. Third, because it sounds cool. Correctly pronounced as "yawn-sea", I often prefer "jon-sea".

I unexpectedly joined the herd during the 2012 PCFI cavy convention. I was the grand raffle prize according to my Kuyas. It was a scary moment for me, but now that I have a forever home, I'm good.