Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Carefresh Review!

It's finally here! And it's smaller than we thought, we imagined it would be the same size as our Natural Hay package thing. So here it is.. Carefresh. So exciting. Let the review begin!

Carefresh is a brand known for its pet/environmentally safe and high quality pet bedding. Other than bedding they also produce small animal feeds. Carefresh is owned by Absorption Corp., a company dedicated in manufacturing products for the small pet industry. Although Carefresh is what they're popularly known for, the company also owns other brands such as Arm & Hammer and Biofresh (probably the new name for Carefresh, but more commercialized for lab animals).

There are different kinds of Carefresh beddings; natural, ultra, confetti, colors, and basic blend. What we have here is natural Carefresh, made from cellulose fiber, also known as natural fiber, any kind of material based on plants. For Carefresh, their natural fiber comes from wood pulp. Ultra is the same as natural except it's bleached, some consumers have reported that Ultra is the best among the other Carefresh products, it's made out of the same thing but Ultra is somehow softer. Colors is the same as ultra except it's colored. Confetti is a mixture of natural and colors. Basic blend is a mixture of natural and wood shavings. There are more types being made, with different mixtures, textures, and materials.

We bought our Carefresh Natural from Herpaholic (Pets Supply Depot, you can go find them on Facebook) for P500. The texture is very nice and soft much like cardboard. The smell... If you've ever lived in a box, especially in a balikbayan box, or at least stuck your whole head in one, that's exactly how Carefresh natural smells like. Wood pulp must be a fancy word for cardboard. A lot of humans have been praising this Carefresh natural, but there is also an equal amount of humans who dislike the product. Some claim that it's too dusty, it caused their master piggy, master chinchilla, master snake and the likes respiratory problems, and intestinal blockage due to bedding consumption. It even states in the package to feed snakes away from the bedding to prevent digestion problems. We do agree with those who don't like the bedding; the best part about the bedding is that it's soft, the cardboard smell isn't as strong as wood shavings but it's still irritating to the nose. Dustiness isn't that obvious but you can still sense that there is dust through the nose irritation we just mentioned. Mochi isn't a fan of it.

If we had to chose between our homemade bedding and Carefresh... Homemade FTW! Because of the smell, dust, and price. The only nice thing about Carefresh is the softness, but I bet my piggy butt that we can also make our homemade Carefresh just as soft. Watch out!

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