Human is a college student, part time food dispenser, janitor and of course our loving slave. She does everything for us! She takes us to the vet when needed, buy us toys to play with and not to forget, brings us fresh noms. We got her from a pet store, she looked so lost. We just had to make her buy us.
Used to be "Human" but then Loki and I thought about it. Really? We're going to name our human, Human? We're better than that Loki! You see, Human is a very common name given to cavy slaves, it's like naming your dog Fido or your cat Fluffy, it's like you don't even care anymore! Other than Human, there's also mommy and papa, but we refuse to join the bandwagon. Thus, we named her Rainbow Feet...
Her rainbow slippers eventually broke, so she's "the human" once again.