I don't know what's up. I've been showing signs of URI (upper respiratory infection) on and off since I was first diagnosed with it, which was last year the same time baby Jonsi left us. The signs that told the vet that I have URI are; crackling sound in the lungs, discharge around the nose and eyes, weight loss, difficulty breathing, strange noise like hooting and snorting.
The first time I was diagnosed was by Doc Nielsen at VIP (Vets in Practice). The second time was at the same clinic, it was months after my last visit, but this time it was another vet. I continue to show signs weeks later after medications but it went away on its own.
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In the middle of cage cleaning I decided to rest on Human. |
The trip to the vet wasn't fun at all (it never is, but this was probably the worst). I was placed in a small box with noms. It was okay at first because I get to have complementary snacks, but then it all got bumpy and hot inside. Gah!
Human tried to talk the vet into checking if I do have heart problems, but I still end up getting prescribed meds for URI since the vet is not yet convinced. The vet claims that this always happens to me because I'm prone to it, and summer makes it easier for us to get URI. I was also given a shot of anti biotics on the back, it was horrible. My meds shall be taken for ten days or until I lose my appetite and continue to decrease weight, then I will have to go see doc again. Hopefully the meds work and everything will be okay. Wheek!
I'd like to ask you guys if having a skinny (thin not the bald cavies) guinea pig is healthy? I mean, I recently bought a pair of cavies from the pet store earlier and I just realized that my other baby was really thin compared to the other, which has a rounded belly (I suck at descriptions so bear with me.) I got scared and idk if the cavy I bought was actually healthy. Any suggestions/help? :(
ReplyDeleteI don't want to go to the vet yet cuz of reasons. A.) its too early to get him to the vet (i think.) B.) Im scared that my baby might actually be sick. C.) As much as possible I wanna avoid going to the vet.
It's not normal if you can see the bones protruding under the skin, but may be he was just under fed before you got him. One sure way to check if they're sick or healthy is taking daily weight checks. If it decreases too much the next day or week, then he needs to be seen by a vet. If it's stable or increases every week (since they're still growing) then they're okay.
DeleteYou can also check for unusual behavior but they're good at hiding symptoms and only show it when it's almost too late. They can go downhill fast. It's never too early to take them to the vet, like for an annual check up, but it's not that necessary. Hope your piggy's doing fine :)
Well, actually the thinner cavy actually fell from her cage yesterday, with a height of 1 cube grid (i have my cage elevated.) I wasnt expecting for her to fit through the grid and actually escape from the cage. Since then her behavior has been rather lethargic, always lays down with its hind legs spread out and she breathes rather faster than usual (or maybe due to heat, idk :( ) Im thinking of bringing her to the vet tomorrow.
DeleteOh, and my guinea pigs are usually quiet, but then they surprised me when they let out a loud wheeking when I was giving them bell peppers earlier. They just smelled it but never touched it. Does that mean they'll never like the bell pepper? :(
I bring bad news, the thin guinea pig I had died earlier. It seems I was too late to try to save her. :'( pinepet ko tuloy yung isa cuz she might get too lonely.
DeleteI'm sorry for your loss. From your description, it sounded like he had upper respiratory infection. They can get it when the cage gets too dirty, when its too hot or humid, or from other guinea pigs. The fall wouldn't be enough to break his legs, and they do lie down like that sometimes. He must have gotten it back from the pet store, they easily get sick there because of the poor conditions. If it's caused by the heat, you could place them in a cool ventilated area. I give mine their own fan. As for the bell pepper, give it sometime, they can get really picky because it's unfamiliar to them. Hope other piggy is coping well, sometimes when they get too attached to their cage mate, they can show signs of depression.
DeleteI'm actually planning to buy a new cage mate for my Chenchen tomorrow, she doesn't seem depressed now because I'm trying to give lots of my attention to her. Actually, when Chestnut died, she was looking at her curiously, and ran towards her. She started smelling, and I was alarmed that she might find out her cage mate is dead, so I took her away from the cage immediately and had someone else to move Chestnut's body. Chestnut was actually my fave despite only spending 1 day with her. :( Chenchen seems happy and is getting to know me better, I don't think she feels lonely yet, I hope, but she'll have a new cage mate soon. :)
DeleteAs for Chestnut having URI, now I'm afraid if Chenchen has it too. I forgot if URI is infectious or not because they were in the same cage from the pet store. Chenchen looks and feels healthy, and behaving like a normal cavy would do. She doesn't seem to have URI, no symptoms whatsoever, but now I'm not too sure. Hopefully she doesn't. Thanks for the many advices! I'm still new to this, hopefully I can get things right with Chenchen and with her new cage mate tomorrow.