And...We're back! from our hectic study season, I swear Human's schedule was so bad... But fear no more, we little piggies have fixed the problem by providing a better human schedule.
Feed us! Feed us! |
Today, we shall share an awesome break through. After a tropical storm murdered most of our noms, veggie prices have gone up, some went out of stock fast. So back then we only had a few options; iceberg and those ready to eat kind in neatly packaged plastic bags. Iceberg is a huge no-no since it contains no nutrients and has very high water content, it's a really bad case of diarrhea waiting to happen. The ready to eat kind (heart of romaine variety) is alright, but if you've noticed, the contents has more stemmy white parts than it has of the green leafy parts. In other words, it's almost comparable to iceberg, and have you seen the price of those things? Not. Worth. It.

While human was desperately searching for piggy veggies, she noticed how there are two different looking veggies that are both labeled "iceberg". One was round and cabbage-like, while the other looks all ruffly like the one in the picture. From what we know, icebergs are described as being round, so what is this other lettuce supposed to be? Our human bought the ruffle veggie and did tiny research to find what it's called, turns out it's called "green leaf lettuce", very safe for us piggies to eat. In fact it's way better than romaine since romaine, as others have observed, gives us cloudy urine, a sign of calcium deposits. Why was it labeled as "iceberg"? We don't know.
Deliiiiicious |
Now, at a more desperate time during the storm, our home was surrounded in water, and we were slowly running out of fresh food. No lettuce, no bell peppers, no nothing, it was like the dark ages of our piggy lives. Since we didn't want to completely go hungry, we sent Human, our loyal human, on a quest! It didn't take her too long before she came back with this odd looking cucumber. She found it in a Korean store near by, fortunately for us, Koreans love their veggies! We first thought that this was some kind of special cucumber from Korea, but actually it's called "Japanese cucumber"! A type of cucumber smaller than the usual ones we eat (American cucumber). It's very skinny but the length is almost like the Amercan variety. We love it! It's very green, crunchy, it can comes in seedless form, and since it's so small the water content isn't as high as the American cucumber (but still feed in moderation). Cucumbers might look simple but they are very much packed with vitamins, and most of their vitamin C is hidden in the cucumber's skin, hence this makes an excellent addition to the piggy menu. Go Japanese Cucumber! We love you! Wheek!
Lets end the post with tiny piggy feet! |