Humans (aka: Nomnomus Dispensurus) are known
to shed their multicolored skin during the monsoon season.
Amazing, lets go!
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We love the rain, it keeps the grass fresh even if we can't eat them because they're highly polluted. We love the smell of wet soil, and the cool breeze that comes with the weather. But one thing we absolutely hate about tropical storms is how it keeps our human stranded at home.
Human stranded at home = no grocery kingdom = no veggies= sad sad sad piggies.
Based on our equation, we are very sad piggies. No veggies for us 'till tomorrow! *sad wheek*
Although Rainbow did manage to buy us natural hay (for secret reasons, we couldn't order Vitakraft meadow hay). After our past experience with natural hay, we never wanted to go back, but we had no choice. Our last batch was the worst! It was very yellow, dusty, and filled with these things we have no idea what they were but they were round and very pointy. It kept making holes on out human! This is unacceptable!
Pooping and eating. We piggies are known to multi-task! |
But this new batch we recently bought is very different. It's softer, a little more green, no more pointy things, and it smells like oats. We're guessing that the grass that natural hay uses comes from various farms/meadows, hence different quality. Yum nom nom nom nom.